HW 2

Homework posted on Monday 18th May 2020

Food and Textile. WEEK 2/ GRADE 7
Dear student, I hope that you are fine and that you managed to do the task given last week. This week I will be posting some links for the previous chapters as a recap lesson.  I have also posted a lesson for this current week accompanied by a set of questions. Miss Karishma.
Please note that there was a mistake for question 4 (a) of last week paper. The answer is (YES) Instead of no. I apologize for the typing mistake.

Personal hygiene ( unit 4)

Balanced diet/meal( unit 1)

This week we will go through the next chapter of Unit 5- Fashion sense Please watch the video below and answer the following questions.

1.          Define the term clothing. (2)
2.          Explain why you should wear clothes on a daily basis. (2)
3.          List 3 materials used to make clothes. (2)
4.          List 4 factors that influences the way we dress. (4)
5.          Why is it important to dress wisely and according to your age, budget, lifestyle, the occasion and occupation? Support your answer with appropriate examples. (5)
6.          Define the term accessories. (2)
7.          Explain the importance of accessories. (2)
8.          List 5 functional accessories. (5)
9.          List 5 decorative accessories. (5)
10.      List 3 accessories that you will wear on your school uniform. (3)